Pentathlon News
Riga report Day 6posted by J Bartu on12-06-2007
I confess waking up this morning was a hell of the effort for me. When your average sleeping time gets down to 4-5 hours a night for 6 days even adult man of Caucasian origin begins to think about at least one long uninterrupted night lasting for a minimum 8 hours. Heather is bluntly open about her sleeping requirements managing to fall unconscious anywhere and almost anytime. Katy and Georgina were picking up a trot already when Heather appeared around the corner after refreshing nap fixing her scalp before mounting up. She likes darker environment wrapping her head using MPAGB podium outfit with sufficient supply of oxygen creating clever breathing membrane around her nostrils to keep her alive. Heather likes to talk a lot too however based on my observation sleeping has a upper hand. Looking at the result sheet I have got impression that Katy, Georgina and Heather spent relaxing night before todays Team Relay competition. Georgina shot 92 with grace setting the team on the pathway to winning. Team kept the high standard in the fencing phase, sailed through swimming and rode well. Running was spotless with Katy and Heather demolishing Russian teams advantage and providing Georgina with sufficient lead to cruise around the 750m loop for the European Gold. Days like this make coaching life very easy. So easy that you tend to become almost a human being. Heather and ever shinning Katy made my day telling me that I look relaxed! Thanks girls. 2007 European Championship in Riga is over. We are allowed to return home with a smile outperforming 2006 European results. Team worked fine together including Dr Paul Jackson, osteopath David Annett and Team Leader Dominic Mahony. Thank you for your valuable contribution. I wish to congratulate all athletes for their efforts and excellent representation of the British Sport in Riga, Latvia.
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