British Pentathlon - Performance

Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme


The overall aim of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) is to help talented athletes who wish to progress with a formal academic programme but maintain an involvement in performance sport. Strategically, TASS will provide a coherent support system, driven through partnership working between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Further Education Colleges (FECs), National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB?s) and other sports organisations.

The scheme will operate around a national network in England of 9 regional consortia, based around a hub or core cluster of Higher Education Institutions

The Aim for Modern Pentathlon

The TASS programme will aim to provide a seamless transition for Modern Pentathletes filling the gap in current provision and providing a stepping stone for ?Non-Funded? athletes to the World Class Programmes, while encouraging athletes to pursue an academic career.

TASS IS an integral part of ?Pentathlon?s World Class Performance Programme and Long Term Athlete Development Model (LTAD).

Due to the level of support for the whole Performance Programme Pathway from UK Sport and Sport England which has resulted in a smaller number of funded athletes on the Talented Athlete Programme, the TASS programme will have a greater impact in supporting those athletes wishing to combine studying with training.

The MPAGB have a track record of success at the highest level and are committed to build and continue this . The level of support that TASS offers the athletes makes it an integral part of delivering this aim.

A copy of the framework document can be found here in word or pdf format and the application form is here in word or pdf format.



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