British Pentathlon - Biathle

Biathle News

Funeral of Peter NOWAKposted by Andy Surplice on03-01-2006

Peters funeral will take place at St Pauls Church, Camberley GU15 2ADat 11.15am on Monday 9th January 2006.

Everyone is welcome to join Gaye, Kiri and Kalina afterwards at the Pineridge Golf Club, Old Bisley Road, Frimley GU16 9NX.

A collection will be held in aid of research into Hepatitis C and Muscular Dystrophy.Only family flowers please. Donations to Brian Bentley Funeral Services, 27 Greenwood Road, Crowthorne, Berkshire,

Obituary- Peter NOWAKposted by Andy Surplice on01-01-2006

Members of British Biathle were saddened to learn of the death of Peter NOWAK, on 29/12/05 after a long battle with a serious illness. (unknowingly contracted 26 years ago when as a result of a car accident he was given blood infected with hepatitis C. It is only since 1991 that blood has been tested for this virus).

Peter was unaware that he had this virus until August 2005. At the time of his death he was awaiting a liver transplant, which sadly he did not get. He was 53 years old.

Peter gave a vast contribution to Biathle both as administrator producing excellent event programmes and as a selfless volunteer at all competitions - often taking on several roles at the same time. He could always be heard shouting encouragement to his wife and daughters as they participated. He will be greatly missed by us all. We extend our condolences to his family.

Friends from Biathle and MPAGB are welcome to attend the funeral. Details will be published shortly.

Any queries please contact Andy Surplice on or email

Come and Try Biathlon/Biathleposted by Andy Surplice on31-12-2005

Come and Try it Biathlon/Biathle Training

Training for biathlon/biathle will take place on a monthly basis at the Boscawen Centre, Portland, Dorset, and the Bridport Leisure Centre, Dorset. The training is open to all athletes who wish to come along and have a go at a biathle or biathlon, and more experienced athletes to do some specific biathle training. Novices from schools and clubs are encouraged to come along as there will be talks on training and other events organized by the MPAGB.

All athletes will need to bring swimming and running clothing (Warm running top) and spare shoes as the trainers they wear for running training could get wet. Also a packed lunch for the day should they wish.

The format for training will be a training talk followed by a running warm up and some back to back swim, run training. On completion of training a talk on events organized by the MPAGB.

Dates and Venues

Sunday 15 January 2006Boscawen Centre Portland 1100-1400

Sunday 5 February 2006Boscawen Centre Portland 1100-1400

Saturday 25 March 2006Bridport Leisure Centre 1000-1300

Sunday 23 April 2006Boscawen Centre Portland 1100-1400

Sunday 21 May 2006Boscawen Centre Portland 1100-1400

The cost is 3 per session, 10 for 4 sessions, 12 for all 5 sessions.

Should you wish to attend please fill in the pro-forma attached and return to:

Mr M Flaherty, 7 Barclay Road, Dorset, DT4 0JB. Together with a cheque made payable to South West SPP.

MPAGB Officeposted by Elizabeth Hunt on22-12-2005

The office at Bath will be closedfrom Friday 23rd December forthe Christmas and New Year holidays, reopening on Tuesday 3rd January.

PPS - December 2005posted by John Woodbridge on12-12-2005

The December edition of PPS is now available.

MPAGB Office Closure 15th - 19th Decposted by Elizabeth Hunt on12-12-2005

The MPAGB office in Bath will be closed from Thursday 15th to Monday 19th December inclusive. During this period, please direct queries regarding the Selection 1 competitionto Jill Andrews and all other enquiries to Peter Hart (email links to both available via the Contact Us tab).

Membership Rules Review - Further Consultationposted by Peter Hart on26-11-2005

The MPAGB Board are currently reviewing the membership Rules for the MPAGB. Following the information posted on the web a number of comments have been received and considered at the Board meeting on 1 November 05. The Board have decided to increase the consultation period until 1 December 05 for a decision at the next Board meeting on 6 December 2005.

There will be an opportunity to discuss the changes at the National Biathlon Championships on 27 November in Sheffield with the Chief Executive. Full details including times and venue will be published on the web and in the Competition Programme.

Detailed below are the Aims of the Review and key changes


The aims of the membership review as identified at the April 2005 Board meeting were to:

a. Increase individual membership numbers of the Company at all levels;

b. Make it easier, and simpler, to become a member;

c. Retain members for much longer;

d. Identify strategies to find, obtain and retain members;

e. Record individual membership accurately and immediately;

f. Ensure that in the long term individual membership income meets and exceeds the annual cost of servicing individual members;

g. Integrate individual membership issues with wider considerations e.g. the advent of the new website, the S and P website;

h. See that the register of members of the company is maintained and updated in conjunction with the website, probably on a daily basis;

i. See that we make the best use of developments in the use of electronic communication;

j. Ensure that each applicant for membership recorded in accordance with the Board decision of late 2004; and

k. Ensure that we fairly describe and handle the insurance requirements and products offered to the membership, so that all those who are entitled to the benefit of the insurance receive it, and so that there is no scope for misunderstanding as to who is insured or not. In this regard Insurers have agreed to cover all members of Clubs, an important clarification that may in due course make our organisation of insurance much easier and more transparent.


The Board is likely to increase the age for 'Under 17' to Under 18" and is likely to adopt up to date membership Rules from 1 January 2006.

Club and individual membership:

Option A

That the Board resolves that with effect from 1 January 2006, with the exception of

(1) foreign nationals not normally resident in the UK and

(2) events taking place exclusively between members of one affiliated Club (i.e an intra-Club competition)

everyone competing in a Modern Pentathlon competition or event (i.e a competition or event comprising one or more of the constituent sports) has to be an individual member of the MPAGB.

Option B

That the Board resolves that with effect from 1 January 2006, with the exception of

(1) foreign nationals not normally resident in the UK and

(2) events taking place exclusively between members of one affiliated Club (i.e an intra-Club competition) or exclusively between members of 2 affiliated Clubs [? No more than 3/4/5 affiliated Clubs]

everyone competing in a Modern Pentathlon competition or event (i.e a competition or event comprising one or more of the constituent sports) has to be an individual member of the MPAGB.

Implications and full explanations are contained within the attached document.

Membership Consultation Paper

Discounted Viga Equipment until 16 December 05posted by Peter Hart on11-11-2005

To celebrate the New Viga Web site, as a special offer to all MPAGB members a discount of 25% is being offered from the entire Viga range excluding Biathle Kit. The site includes the winter range of clothing.

Also the Biathle Team Kit bag (not the backpack) and the Biathle fleece will both be available at 20% discount. All other Biathle kit will not be further discounted.

This limited offer is for Christmas and will end on 16th December.

PPS - Copy Wanted for December issueposted by Peter Hart on07-11-2005

The deadline for articles for Decembers edition of the MPAGB Newsletter is 25 November.